Software above the level of a single device

So, I’m back from holidays and ready to blog again, This week I will be blogging about Software above the level of a single device. Before I start talking to you guys about this week’s topic I would like to say how awesome the ANZAC parade was.

Ok back on Track. This week’s pattern is Software above the level of a single device. For those of you who do not what it is here is a example, O’Reilly states that any web application can be seen as software above a single device because there are two computers involved one hosting the web server and the other hosting the browser. The best examples that are shown are iTunes and TiVo (also quoted by O’Reilly)

I would like to talk about iTunes and TiVo but seeing as it was the example that O’Reilly talked about half the class would already be blogging about. So I decided today I will talk about the gaming platform Steam. Steam is a prime example of a software that is above the level of a single device, not only for the reason that for a user to use the program they must connect to a server that is hosted by another computer but for the reason that this software can be used on PS3, PC, Tables and also our mobile phone.

Steam is a gaming platform created by Valve. The whole idea of steam is to connect a large community of gamers together. Steam is gaming platform that allows users to play games without the trouble of installing games with CDs.

Steam on the Ps3 is also another prime example of cross platform, when the portals 2 was released it was also released on steam for the Ps3. It is said that steam has actually managed to cross platform portal 2 so that Ps3 portal 2 gamers can play with PC portal 2 games which no other major gaming company has ever done.


Steam just recently decided to take their platform across to tablet devices and mobile phones. On the mobile phones, steam can only be used to chat to steam friends, but on tablets steam can play cross platform games like Dungeon Defenders and Fallout.

I think it’s interesting that Steam has spent so much time and money developing cross platform software knowing that PC gamers are their primary market focus. If you guys have any opinions post below and we will discuss

2 thoughts on “Software above the level of a single device

  1. Steam is great hey, but I would like to see the phone apps being able to play games in the near future. the phones are evolving fairly fast. I wouldnt be surprised to see this say in 5-10years .

  2. Nice post, but in my view this can’t success. The reasons is XBOX Live, PSN and Nintendo Network are competitive, so many games only can publish on single platform for example HALO can’t release on other devices such as, mobile which isn’t window mobile, playstation and Mac. However, every companies are accepted one type of platform. It is social media. Additionally, Facebook is connecting mobile devices, PCs and consoles. We can see any company link their product to Facebook, so Web 2.0 methods will replace some functions from gaming platform. And gaming platform will only use for games management and online shopping.

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